Monday, September 19, 2011

Welcome to my new Blog!!!!

Welcome to my new blog! While it has the same title and you can find it in the same place it is the newest addition to our Facebook page and to our church. Here you will find Sunday morning messages, Wednesday evening Bible studies, and church events and a little of everything else. I hope to write something every day and today is no exception.

First of all I want you all to know that I am humbled to be the pastor of the Carrollton Bible Chapel. It is without a doubt the most challenging, yet rewarding career anyone could ever have.
I anticipate the many challenges ahead yet know that with the challenge will come the blessings. Both of these I have already experienced.

Tomorrow I will post last Sunday's message. These will usually be posted on Monday while the Wednesday evening Bible studies will be posted on Wednesday or Thursday. All activities will also be posted with comments about them shortly after they happen. For pictures of all the events, see our Facebook page at the Carrollton Bible Chapel.

Thanks for reading. I will be keeping you all updated and informed. Please send any comments back to me on my or the church's Facebook page. Thanks again for reading. Talk to you all soon.

Pastor Chuck

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