Thursday, May 21, 2015


This past week we have buried two great saints of God.  Troy “Buck” Cox and Velma Beckley.  Both had been around the block more than a time or two.  Buck was 84 and Velma was 96!  When I met them four years ago I found them to be vibrant, encouragers of the faith, faithful to their Lord and to His Church.  Both died about a week apart.  I think in my mind I am waiting for that next shoe to drop. After all, don’t deaths come in 3’s?  Well, sometimes they do and sometimes they do not.  I am praying for the do not!

As I examine these great saints of God, I find that they had many things in common but one thing among them all stands out:  their great faith!  I loved to hear their stories about how God did amazing things in their lives and in the church.  Great stories of amazing Sunday School attendance and spiritual growth.  There were great stories of families that came to church and became a part of something really real, sometimes with the encouragement of a pastor, sometimes without.  But it was God that gave the increase!  Faith seemed to ooze out of each account they gave.

As time marched on, so did the people.  The great Sunday School became a Bible study.  Because young people grow up, they move up and out and on with their lives.  Seems like that happens a lot here in Carroll County.  Families, once ripe with young children now became “empty nesters”.  Then the unspeakable happened.  One of the aged or aging parents went to be with the Lord.  Time, always marching on, stops for no one. 

Now we are faced with a dilemma.  While we have the same vibrant people, they are aging with time, and time can be a hindrance to growth.  There are more white haired people than dark haired people.  (and some “no haired people too!).  We still love to hear the stories.  They are great reminders of days gone by.

But where are the modern day Velma Beckleys?  Who are today’s Buck Coxs?  Who will step up and take their mantle today?  I have asked that question over a hundred times since Tamie and I have ventured into the lives of the Carrollton Bible Chapel.  When I do ask, I get the stories. 

The stories are great, but unless we get a new rendition of Velma and Buck, we are going to go the way of many churches today.  We will bury our old saints until the last story is told.

As I pondered this in reflection of these events of the past two weeks, I came to a conclusion.  It’s not a question of time.  I know many people blame time for not being able to serve God.  Jobs, sports, and families all take time.  The major difference between last generation’s priorities and this generation’s priorities are the relevance of those priorities. 

It’s not a question of time.  It’s a question of faith.  The last generation was molded on faith.  Their faith started as a seed in their childhood and grew to be a mighty oak in their lives.  People admired them from near and afar for the great faith.  Tom Brokaw, the retired NBC news anchor, called them “The Greatest Generation”.  Perhaps they were.  Perhaps they are.  Their mustard seed of faith made them the mighty sequoias that generations will call “amazing”.  I call them spiritual giants!

Today our faith has been robbed from our lives.  No longer do we need faith to live.  Need something?  Use the credit card.  Need more money?  Turn your check into cash.  There is no need to save money, that’s a waste of time.  Buy it now, pay it later with the credit card.  Our lives have become the here and now not at all interested in the bye and bye. 

Our faith has become…well, dinky. 

It has never been given the opportunity to grow.  It’s still a seed.  Churches today have the same problem.  Why go to a small church and help it grow when there are mega churches that have already solved that problem and have more programs to fit all of our needs.  Married?  There is a class for that.  New convert?  Yes, we have a class for that.  Alcoholic? Abused drugs?  Sexually deviant?  Yes we have classes and programs to meet every one of those needs…

So people, especially younger people, flock to the mega churches to get their religious fix for the week while the smaller churches where there is more intimacy, more chance to water that small seed, interact with someone who needs to see faith in action, are withering away with time.

It reveals much about our society today.  Not only do we have instant gratification to solve our material needs, we also have the same opportunity to solve our spiritual needs.  I can keep my dinky faith without actually getting to know someone, or be able to spread my faith because I am paying someone to do it for me. 

There are consequences to those choices however:
There will be no more great stories of Sunday School.  There will be no more great stories of redeeming families and friends and neighbors.  There will be no more unless we decide that we are going to water that dinky faith and make it into our own great faith. 

Watering the dinky faith will bring a harvest of blessings to the like you won’t be able to tell them all in your lifetime.  But it comes at a cost.  It comes with investing time.  Time in getting to know people.  Time in getting involved in other people’s lives.  Time in reaching across the hedges and giving a help up not a hand out. 

But there’s that word again…Time.
There is going to come a time, if it hasn’t happened already, that the old stories are going to become exactly that…old…

“I remember the time…”  yep, heard that one… “Do you remember…” yep, heard that one too… “But do you know…” yes…yes…a hundred times yes, I can tell those stories in my sleep. 

Where are the new stories?  Where are the new Velmas? The new Bucks?  I hear all the time, “I would sure like to be like her…” Well, its time to stop dreaming and put feet to your words.  Come see me and we will give you a Sunday School class.  Or maybe a Bible study.  That doesn’t mean just reading the curriculum each week.  It’s investing your time into that class or study.
Calling them.  Visiting them.  Inviting them.  Reaching out to them.  Maybe having them at your home for a dessert night.  Or a hot dog cookout.  Or a pot luck dinner.  Or an outdoor fire with smores.  If you do all these things, you will begin to accumulate YOUR own stories. 

And when its your time for white hair or no hair, you too will have stories of your own to tell and not just re-hashing someone else’s dreams and adventures.
If you wait, you will NEVER do it.  How much faith do you really have?  I am guessing, if you are willing to sit and do nothing, you have dinky faith. 
You don’t believe God can do it again.

 I am guessing now.  Don’t shoot the messenger.  But unless we can take those of you who have dinky faith and turn it into great faith, someday in the near future, we will turn this building into a nice senior center.  We have nice parking, handicapped access, and enough kitchen facilities to accommodate a nice group. 

The worship center can be turned into a larger fellowship hall where great games of bingo, checkers, and maybe even chess can be played.  And, while you are having your afternoon snack, you can reminisce about those great stories about Velma, Buck, Ruth, Tom, and the others who used to do great works. 

I am sure you will remember them well.  

Friday, April 24, 2015

Looking Through the Knothole!

The resurrection of Jesus changes everything!  When the disciples were taken to the Mount of Olives in Acts chapter 1, Jesus gave them their last marching orders in verse 8: "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth."

They were to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came, then go into all the world to preach the good news, the gospel, and; "...baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you;"  (Matthew 28: 19-20) (NASV)

While they were standing there Jesus began to ascend into Heaven.  Luke's account in Acts chapter 1 and verse 9 says that: "And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight." (NASV)  

Now I don't know about you but i would be very much intrigued by this event as I am sure the disciples and the followers that were there were.  As He continued to ascend, they continued to look up into the sky until they were rebuked by two angels.  Look at the rest of this account from verses 10 and 11:  "10 And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold two men in white clothing stood beside them. 11 They also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?  This same Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into Heaven."  (NASV)  

I know what you might be thinking.  You might be thinking they were trying to get one last glimpse of Jesus before they were going back to Jerusalem but I think that there is one more thing they were looking to see; a glimpse of Heaven.  After all, wasn't that where He was going?  Wouldn't you want to sneak a peek into the gates of Heaven itself?  

In the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verses 1-3, Jesus told His disciples:  "1 Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In my Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for i go to prepare a place for you. 3 If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." (NASV)  

Wouldn't you want a look through the knothole into Heaven?  For the Christian believer, that will be home after we leave this earth.  Our saved loved ones and friends who have gone on before us will be there.  The saints that have passed on whether from a natural death, from war, or from persecution and suffering for their faith will be there.  The apostles and many of the people you read about from your Bibles will be there also.  But most of all, Jesus will be there.  

If you could look through the knothole of heaven, all these things you might see.  But for the unbelieving, this would be all you get to see.  You would not get to experience the fellowship of family and friends or the others that have gone on before us. But most of all you will not get to see Jesus.  You will be separated from all of that for all eternity.  You might not like to hear that but as the saying goes, "Don't shoot the messenger!"   

Listen, the resurrection of Jesus changes everything.  It can even change you! If you want more than just a knothole experience of Heaven, and really want to know how to get there, contact one of the pastors from the Carroll County Ministerial Association.  They would love to tell you how to get to Heaven.  If you cannot reach them, call me.  I would love to tell you how to turn a knothole experience into an eternity of fellowship with the Savior.  Why are you still sitting there?  Like the angels told the disciples, "Get moving!"  Thanks for reading.  Have a great week Church! 

Dr. Chuck Wilson                                                                                         Senior Pastor                                                                                           Carrollton Bible Chapel

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Resurrection of Jesus the Christ Changes Everything!

The resurrection of Christ changes everything.  After Jesus returned from the dead, He showed Himself alive to his disciples for 40 days.  What a glorious reunion that must have been! When it was time for Jesus to return to His father in Heaven, He instructed His disciples saying,

"And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15  

The term "gospel" means good news.  The good news of the Word of God is that Jesus died, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. (I Corinthians 15: 1-4).  Our responsibility as followers of Jesus then is to go into the world and preach the gospel to everyone we meet.

It is a proactive gospel, not a passive one.  Far too many believers meet every Sunday morning without fail.  They sit in "their" pew and take in all the blessings of a morning or evening worship service without having once in the week sharing the gospel; the good news of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection with even one person.  

How would this village, this county change if every believer would share the good news with just one person every week?  Let's examine this for a minute.  According to the latest statistics of Carroll County, Ohio there are approximately 28,187 people living here.  (  Also according to census reports, there are only 30.12% of the entire county population that claimed any religious affiliation compared to 50.2% of the entire United States population.  Doing the math, that means that our of 28,187 people living here only 8,456 connect with any church on any Sunday morning in our county! 

According to: website, there are 59 churches listed as active in Carroll County.  That averages out to 143.3 people in each church.  (Not an actual number per congregation but an average for all the churches.  Some churches would love to have 143 people each Sunday!)  But, doing the math again, we find that there are about 19,731 people that do not affiliate with, or perhaps even attend a church in this county!  If all 19,000 people plus would decide to come to church next Sunday, and divide them equally among each church, we would see an instant growth of 330 people per church in our county! 

If each of the believers in this county would take the responsibility to give the good news to just 1 non-attendee, it would take less than 3 years for each person in this county to be reached!  Of course, not everyone is going to be as excited as we are about spreading the gospel of Christ, and not everyone is going to come to church or perhaps would be able to come to church due to health situations or work schedules.  That does not diminish our responsibility to spread the gospel to every person. 

Many people I talk to each week tell me that they are looking for something great to change their lives.  I have an idea.  Why not come to the church of your choice, get excited about the good news of the Scriptures, and take it to someone that does not have Christ in their lives?  As I have said from the beginning, the resurrection of Jesus changes everything, including your life and mine.  Almost 20,000 people in Carroll County need to hear the good news.  Are you up for the challenge?  Have a great week Church!  Pastor Chuck 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Turning the Tables

As someone who has taught history for over 28 years, I can honestly say without reservation that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest event that has changed the path of mankind over the past two millennia.  It has been documented by many historians such as Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliney the Younger  that all state that Jesus was a real person and lived and died under Pontius Pilate during the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. 

In spite of several attempts by the early Jewish community to spread falsehoods about his resurrction, the truth that has endured the centuries remains as the  angel tells the women who came to the tomb that early morning: 

"5. But the angel answered and said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.  6. He is not here; for He is risen as He said.  Come, see the place where the Lord lay." (Matthew 28: 5-6 NKJV)

In I Corinthians 15: 3-8 the Apostle Paul writes that over 500 witnesses have verified that the once crucified Christ now lives: 

3. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4. and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, 5. and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve. 6. After that He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep. 7. After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles. 8. Then He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time." (NKJV)

This coming Sunday will be  Easter Sunday and thousands of people who do not regularly attend a weekly service will come to church.  In spite of what some may say, seven out of ten people still claim to be Christian with 6 out of the ten saying that they are "deeply spiritual".  ( So, where were all these people during the other 50 Sundays?  (Christmas week being the other week most people attend a church service).

If we believe that Jesus lived, died, and rose again from the grave to forgive our sins then should we not want to shout it from the rooftops for all to hear? If there is not a greater event in history that has changed the course of humanity for the better why are we acting like it is the best kept secret of all history? If there is really a heaven to be gained and a hell to shun then why do we hide it under the bushel? 

The church that was founded on this belief was the most active social force that created societies greatest social movement in history as well.  It was a force created out of the love that was gleaned and shared when Jesus sacrificed His life on that old rugged cross. 

Most of the people I talk to want to change their lives but do not know how or even where to start.  If you really want change, the church is a great place to start.  There are many great churches in our community.  Ask a friend, family member or neighbor if they can recommend one.  If they don’t have any suggestions, call me.  I think I know of at least one. 

 If it is time for a change and you are tired of the same old same old, then start with your spiritual life.  The New Testament church is made for you and has the message that can help you become the real you!  7 out of 10 Americans cannot be all wrong.  After all we have the greatest message the world has ever known, even if most of us keep it to ourselves.  

Have a great week!  Invite your family and friends to come to church and worship together on Resurrection Sunday!  Hope to see you there!  Pastor Chuck 

Friday, February 20, 2015


I am sitting here by the fire with the dogs.  Lucy has her head resting on Amos' shoulder and they are cuddled up like two bugs in a rug.  Its freezing cold outside and they are trying to stay warm.  It's a comfortable 68 degrees inside but to look outside you would never know it.  It's a NACITS (not a cloud in the sky) kind of day.  The scenery is beautiful.  The birds are feeding at the bird feeder and every once in a while a squirrel will try and sneak up, climb the pole and snitch a few seeds.  That is until Tamie gets her BB gun and plunks one of the critters sending them scurrying up the hill.

It's a beautiful setting and almost Norman Rockwell-ish but I have a beef with the weather department.  Last week they said it will be 50 on Saturday.  Now they say its going to be like this through the rest of February.  I say "Enough is Enough!"  Last winter endured almost forever.  It was so cold and snowy but yet it did not kill enough of the fleas and ticks and other varmit bugs for my suiting!  This year started off warmer and less snowy than last year but it was just a trick to dull our senses into boredom then "BOOM!" The end of January let us have it good!

I for one have had enough.  I like the winter until about January 1st then its time for spring.  I don't often complain but seriously? When will spring come?  There is a counter that you can download to find out.  Here is the link:  According to the counter there are 28 days until Spring!  One month...sigh...

There are signs though that might hint that spring might show its face a little earlier.  The trees today even though it is cold are showing some signs of life.  There is red in the upper branches...a sign.  Watching the news yesterday about a story in Akron actually showed a robin!  Yes, a robin!  Either it is a demented robin that got stuck here or else...could it be...another sign?  The cardinals are beginning to turn more red.  Vibrant red.  And the little yellow finches are starting to molt as well.

But they are just signs...signs of a better, warmer, sunnier day ahead.  Just like there are signs all around us that point us to Christ.  I am currently reading "Apologetics Beyond Reason: Why Seeing Really is Believing" by James Sire, author of "The Universe Next Door".  Probably not a book many would just pick up and read.  But in his text he makes this statement:  "There is nothing in the universe that does not finally point to the existence of God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." (p.24)  He quotes Blaise Pascal on the same page: "What can be seen on earth indicates neither a total absence, nor the manifest presence of divinity, but the presence of a hidden God.  Everything bears this stamp."

He continues the thought, "Everything shows that there is a transcendence that surely exists but is Pascal would say, that is often hidden but sometimes blazes like fire".  I like the phrase "...hidden but sometimes blazes like fire."  Winter lays out in the open the dead in nature.  Spring reveals the hidden life under the snows.  Just as there is a death, there will be a resurrection.  Can it not be any more simplistic than that?

Look around you.  While all is white covered with snow, it is not dead, but sleeping.  There are signs all around telling you that life is but a breath away.  Spring is just around the corner...the signs are evidence that life is coming!

Let me ask you a personal question.  Are you living?  Really living?  What signs are there in your life that you are living?  Sounds like a dumb question doesn't it?  But, recently, I did a funeral where although death was all around, there were signs of life.  Death is but for a winter.  But for those who trust Christ, there will be an eternal Spring ahead for them.  What signs are there in YOUR life that you have an eternal spring ahead?  You can't rely just upon being a good guy or a great lady, or the works you do here.

C.T. Studd wrote: "Only one life t'will soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last".  Look around at your life.  Are you baring the signs of life eternal or the signs of death and destruction? The signs are there.  They are all around.  Soon Spring will be sprung!  28 days!  Spring brings also the celebration of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.  This Spring why not celebrate with a new commitment to the eternal Spring, life everlasting, by trusting in Him?

When will Spring be Sprung in YOUR life?

Pray for each other and stay warm.  Pastor Chuck

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Life @ 60!

I was born on January 26, 1955.

To some of our young folks out there, I am a part of ancient American history, maybe even lived with the Neanderthals!  Truth is, I really don't feel a day over ...30... sometimes! Even though I was born soooo long ago, I do not feel like I have been cheated from anything society, culture, or life has thrown my way.  In fact, I feel like I have been blessed beyond measure!

At my age, I can look back on my life and the events that have shaped us in our world today and honestly say that I understand my life on Earth, and have been blessed to witness history and prophecy unfolding before my very eyes!  I have seen the great and powerful events that have shaped us into who we are today.  I remember where I was when Kennedy was assassinated.  I know where I was when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.  I remember when microwaves first came on store shelves, and cell phones became all the rage, and yes, even the commercialization of the internet.

And we have been blessed by those wonders. Yet, we slide from day to day without taking a moment to thank our Creator for giving us the knowledge and wisdom to be able to have and use each piece of technology that blesses our very lives.  If you don't think that these things are that important to you, let your electricity go out for a day or so.  You will wonder how early man survived!  Right Kate!

I have been blessed to see my children have children.  In fact, if I knew that grandkids were that much fun, I would have had them first!  Joe, Laila, Wyatt, Zander and Lily are the jewels in my crown!  I am concerned what kind of life they will have and how the world will treat them. That's why it is most important, imperative numeral uno, that they get to know the Jesus I know.  MOST important!! And, I don't care if they turn out to be Methodist, Pentecostal, Republican, Democrat, or Baptist, as long as I know they have a relationship with the Christ.

As my life is concerned, I have witnessed just about everything under the sun.  The year I was born found Elvis crooning, Bill Haley "Rock(ing) around the Clock", Disneyland in California opened, Ray Croc started McDonalds, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, "In God We Trust" was first printed on money, and the yearly inflation rate was 1/4th of 1%! (imagine that!)

These things also have influenced me since I was a kid:
*  I had a paper route.  For those of you who do not know what that is...too bad...Google it!
*  I am a lefty!  Breaking your arm 3 times from the first grade through the 3rd grade will  not help you become a righty!  Its all in the mind!  That plus the fact that I failed penmanship until I was in the 4th grade! lol
*  We had the first color TV on the block! We were very popular with kids and adults when Gilligan's Island, I Dream of Jeanie, Batman, and Superman became color TV shows!
*  We moved from Martins Ferry to Massillon.  I became a Massillon Tiger and still bleed Orange and Black.
*  As a teenager, I remember Roe v. Wade, but did not understand then its nature.
*  As a teenager, I remember Viet Nam.  I was drafted but did not have to go since they repealed the
    draft my senior year.
*  Vacations to Virginia Beach were family time.  It included staying at family's homes, Spam,baked beans and cheese sandwiches, and lots of beach time!
*  The first time I put gas into the family car it was 19.9 cents a gallon at SOHIO (now BP)
*  No one really likes Brussel Sprouts...they eat them because they want to torment me!!  Yeck!!!

There is much more to say. You can look up what bread or milk cost, Big Macs (88 cents), and all those insignificant things, but the most important thing I can tell you about being 60 is that it is the best time in my life!  I have a great wife, a great family, a great ministry with great people, and a great place to life.  In fact, the 5 greatest things in my life are:
1.)  Being born on January 26, 1955 and being born into the Kingdom of Heaven on July 17, 1980
2.)  Being married to Tamie on August 8, 1981
3.)  Having 3 wonderful children:  Jeremy, Sara, and Katie with 3 wonderful spouses:  Katie, Tommy, and Jimmy
4.)  Having 5 grandkids and counting on more:  Joe, Laila, Wyatt, Zander, and Lily!
5.)  Having the privilege of ministering the Gospel to the people of Carroll County.

Yes, there are more...but these 5 take precedence over the remaining 10,000 or so things that have happened in my life.

What's it like to be 60?  Is it really the new 40?  Yes, and no...but...Stay tuned...As the old black and white TV shows used to say, "For more exciting adventures, stay tuned to this channel!"

So, you all hang in there.  Pray for each other.  And, by all means, go to church.  I can recommend a great one but don't go alone...take your family with you!

I hope you can come out to the Soup Supper and VBS auction tonight!  Don't forget...bring your checkbook...most important!!!  Hope to see you there!

Pastor Chuck
Joshua 1:9

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Another List from the Crow's Nest!

Well, goooood afternoon Church!  I hope it has been a great week for you all!  We had a great study last evening as I finished up Chapter 12 of the book of Hebrews.  Next week we will conclude our study then move on to a couple of "Ask the Pastor" questions.  You got questions...I got answers!  Write them down, send me an e-mail or post it on Facebook.  I will be glad to answer your questions concerning the Scriptures, culture, or the times we live in.

This week's blog is dedicated to a few books that deal with many subjects: Leadership, emotions, how to deal with your life, marriage, etc.  Here then are my Top 10 Books on Anything that you should be reading.  There might just be a surprise or two in here...

1.)  Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud
2.)  A View from the Top by Dr. D. Michael Lindsay
3.)  The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman
4.)  The Two Sides of Love by Gary Smalley and Dr. John Trent
5.)  Be a People Person by John Maxwell
6.)  Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
7.)  The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
8.)  Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson
9.)  Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
10.)  What Good is God by Philip Yancey

All of these books written by different authors each have a role that you will find in your life.  Each author has written a number of books that are also worthy of reading but I chose these to get you going.

Back when I was an undergrad student at Kent State University, I saw a sign in the library that stated: "Those That Read-Succeed!" Success I believe starts with reading the Word of God!   But too many people make New Year's resolutions to read the Bible then put it away...

"It's too boring"..."It's too hard to read"..."I just don't understand all of this stuff" are the types of comments I usually get.  I always ask them..."Well, where did you start reading?"  Most people start reading in Genesis, then go book by book and it's all well and good...until you get to Leviticus...
then people start to complain...If they make it to Deuteronomy they generally never make it out of there...

Too bad.  It's a great read.  But listen...seriously...when you have a baby do you give them milk first then a few days after they are born give them a steak dinner?  Of course not.  It's a silly thought...but, that's exactly what you are trying to accomplish by reading the Bible through one book at a time.

Let me give you a better choice.  Let's start with milk, then go onto a milkshake before we hit the steak dinner buffet.  Start reading in the Gospel of John.  Yea...back there.  Then read the books of 1 John, 2 John, 3 John.  You will start to understand the apostle that Jesus loved...Move on then to Matthew, Mark, and Luke and Acts.  Dr. Luke wrote both Luke and Acts and if you read it like its Luke and Luke Part II it will make a lot more sense to you.

Continue reading the rest of the New Testament.  Now move onto Genesis.  It is possible that we can try to read the Old Testament through now.  Read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  Read Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings, I and II Chronicles...and the rest of the Old Testament.  You get the idea.  

If you are looking for a good chart to help you if you want to read it chronologically, (or you could just get a Chronological Bible) here's a great link to help you start:

It is full of charts and timelines and worthy of bookmarking in your laptop or tablet.

Keep reading.  Remember, those that read do succeed!  I will put these three lists of books in the bulletin next Sunday since there were a number of you that asked for them.

Next week we will take a look at "Another View from the Crow's Nest...Dr. Chuck @ 60!"  Have a great week!  Be safe out there and remember to pray for each other!  If you need a place to worship, come check us out at the Carrollton Bible Chapel, 365 Steubenville Road, S.E., Carrollton, Ohio. Service times are 9:30am Sunday School, 10:15am Coffee Fellowship, and 10:30am Morning Worship!  Hope to see you all there!

Pastor Chuck

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Top Ten History Books Every Christian Should Read

Gooood Thursday morning Church!  It's not nearly as cold today as it was last Thursday but its still cold outside!  Somebody said it was going to be like 40 on Saturday!  That would be a heat wave!!  I am really ready for Spring!  If you want to know how many days there are until Spring and want to follow the's the link:   According to Countdown to Spring there are 64 days until warm weather!!  I know Spring can have some chilly days but I am ready for things to become green again!

Enough small talk about the weather. Let's get down to business today!  After teaching for over 28 years...mostly social studies classes...(and a B.A. in History too!)  I feel confident that the list today is a good one!  There are some different kinds of history books here.  Not all are boring, in fact, all of them are great reads.  As with the last list, The Top 10 Books Every Christian Should Read, there were two ties.  Here is what I recommend:

1.)  God Less America by Todd Starnes
2.)  Killing Jesus by Bill O'Reilly
3) (tie)  Killing Lincoln by Bill O'Reilly/Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly
4.)  1776 by David McCullough
5.)  1491 by Charles Mann
6.)  Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick
7.) (tie) A Sorrow in Our Heart:  The Life of Tecumseh by Allan Eckert/That Dark and Bloody River by Allan Eckert/and The Frontiersman by Allan Eckert  (all history books of the Ohio area before 1800)
8.)  Theodore Rex by Edmund Morris
9.)  David by Chuck Swindoll
10.)  For the Love of Mike: More of the Best of Mike Royko (Pulitzer Prize award winner for journalism...wrote a daily column for the Chicago dad and I shared a fondness for his stories that all had a point...and its filled with favorite!)

I also recommend these books:
1984 by George Orwell
Sez Who? Sez Me! by Mike Royko
Sea of Glory by Nathaniel Philbrick

What's YOUR favorite book of history to read?  Why not share it with us so that we can add to our list as well!  What else do YOU read?  What other lists would you like to see?  Hope this is a help to you!

Next week we will do one more list:  The Top 10 Books on Counseling/Relationships/Emotions that Every Christian Should Read....Some real interesting works here!

Have a great day Church!  Keep reading...As I have said before from the pulpit..."Those that Read...Succeed!!"  Wish that was original with me but it is so true!  Stay warm and safe out there!  And, as always, Pray for Each Other!!  See you Sunday!! Pastor Chuck

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Top 10 Books Every Christian Should Read

Goooood frigid Thursday morning Church!!! lol  It's freezing cold out there!  I think it was -5 when I woke up.  Too cold for me!  How about you?  Do you like the cold?  What do you think about Winter?  Well, I can tell you that Winter could be officially over today and on with Spring!

But enough of that! Time to get to the point at hand!  Last week I posted a rebuttal of sorts on Kneel Degrassi Tyson's list of books people should be reading. So I challenged you all to send me a list of what you think Christians should be reading and I got a boat load of books that you suggested!  In your posts you mentioned many of the books I have on my list so I will post them at the end of this blog for readers to peruse and perhaps engage.  Let's take a look at the list I believe all Christians should read...or at least have in their library.  Let's assume for #1 that it should be the Bible.  If you are not reading it, all the rest of the books listed below are not going to have the impact on your life that it should.  However, for this list  I tried to limit the list to 8 but could not do it are...

The Top 12 Book Every Christian Should Read (2 ties)

1.)  Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
2.)  The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
3.)  The Grace Awakening by Chuck Swindoll
4.)  How Should We Then Live? by Francis Schaeffer
5.)  Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
6.)  Love Your God With All Your Mind by J.P. Moreland
7.)  (Tie)  Jesus Freaks: Martyrs by DC Talk/Foxes Book of Martyrs by John Foxe
8.)  The Gospel According to Jesus by John MacArthur
9.)  (Tie)  The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan/The Shack by William P. Young
10.)  Heaven by Randy Alcorn

Agree or disagree?  What would you add?  What would you take away?  Here is a list of other books that some readers have added and I added a few too:

The Knowledge of the Holy: The Attributes of God by A.W. Tozer
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
My Utmost for His Highest (devotional) by Oswald Chambers
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (my recommendation)
Pagan Christianity by George Barna and Frank Viola (also my recommendation)
Already Gone by Ken Ham
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
Reasonable Faith by William Land Craig

What about this list from readers?  What's in YOUR library?  What are YOU reading...that is beside the Word of God?  Do you read the Bible all the way through or just hit and miss?  Do you have a reading plan or just whatever tickles your fancy?  How do you read God's Word?  Lots of questions I know...

Here's a clue as to what we will be looking at next week.  I will respond to your comments but then I will list the top 10 History Books that you should have read or should be reading.  As a history teacher for 28 years, I think I have a good handle on this.  There are a few surprises on this list too.

Thanks for reading.  Hope you get something from all of this...even if its just a good argument.  lol  Have a great and safe and warm Thursday Church...and as always Pray for Each Other.
Love you guys... Pastor Chuck

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Welcome to 2015! A new day, a new month, and a new year all in one time!  I have decided it's time to get back to posting my blogs.  When I first began I tried to write every day only to discover that there are not near enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do. So, I have decided to delete most of the old blogs and start afresh!  I will be writing only on Thursdays and many times it will be a "Reader's Digest" version of my message for Sunday or perhaps the previous one.  

I am excited to come back to writing.  It is one of my great passions in life.  Anyway, if I am going to do any serious writing down the road, I need to hone my skills once again as a writer.  So, any of you out there that are writers, or critics, let me know how I am doing.  Feel free to comment, correct...nicely now..., and give free advice. start this new year off on the right foot, I am going to post just a few thoughts about last year.  I am sure you will hear more about 2014 in the days to come.  First, read Colossians 1: 9-18.

First, 2014 was a year in transition.  Tamie and I are now settled into our new home and Amos and Lucy have adapted to it as well.  I think it was harder on my mother and my kids then it was on us but Tamie and I both feel that it is God's will for us to be here.  

It was also a year where we lost some good people.  When you lose someone that has been ill or cancer ridden, it is a little easier to say goodbye.  But, when you lose someone who has always been full of life, like Tom Shaw or Chad Grimes, it makes it much harder to lose them.  While I didn't know Chad very well, I did know Tom and I miss him standing behind me singing in my ear.  Now I am the worst singer in our congregation but I know Tom is singing now with a voice as clear as it was meant to be.  You men and all those who went on this year will be missed! 

Second, 2014 was a year of mixed feelings.  We lost a few of our people in our congregation.  To that end, I feel a loss like that when someone passes on.  You all will be missed.  I am sorry we were not able to meet your needs or I am sorry that I have said something that might have offended you.  But this I know.  I will never back down from saying what I believe God wants me to say...even if it causes people to be offended and leave.  To some of you I want to say, "Why can't you ever seem to make up your mind?" or "It's time to put your big boy pants on and learn to accept criticism when God is speaking to you!"   I know that seems harsh but the pastor, and/or the church cannot continue to cater to those who want catering all the time.  Grow up.  If you disagree, great.  If you agree, great.  But don't lower yourself to the sin of gossiping just because you do not agree with me or the stance that the church has to take.  

We also lost some to jail or prison.  I am sorry that you are there but neither myself or the church put you there.  You made bad decisions and now you must pay for them.  We pray for you always.  Some send you cards.  I visit you.  But do not blame us for your faults.  It is another one of those "Time to grow up" moments in life.  You can choose your choices but you cannot choose the consequences of those choices.  You know I say that all the time.  I hope the time you spend in there will give you time that you should have taken to listen to God.  Enough said.  

2014 could have been a better year yet in many ways it was a great year also!  My granddaughter Lily was born this year!  How great is that!?!  I am looking forward to a great 2015!  I am sure that there will be many hurdles and challenges ahead but I am ready for them.  I hope you are as well.  Pray for me as I make this commitment.  I am looking forward to it.  Be careful out there and pray for someone today.  Pray for each other.  It is the biblical way you know and it will give you "Another View from the Crow's Nest"!  

Pastor Chuck